Five Exreamly Creepy Dee Sea Creatures

7:04 AM

The Ningen This creature from the depths of the ocean may be just about the creepiest thing you could ever see. The reason for this, is that it looks just like a human even having strange limbs that resemble arms and legs. The name Ningen is actually human in Japanese. However, there is no need to panic and worry that the world will be taken over by strange alien sea creatures, because there has never been any official sightings of this little beastie and general opinion is that it’s just a freaky urban myth much like the mermaid. Mantis Shrimp This rainbow hued little creature is not as nice as it looks. It is actually extremely clever and horribly dangerous. One of its main talents is being able to see colours that far surpass even the furthest imagination of humans. As well as, it is an efficient killing machine, it has two appendages at the front of its body which can lash out so powerfully that they cause the water surrounding the creature to reach boiling point! So, even the clever prey that have managed to avoid the physical attack will be rendered defenceless by the boiling water.

Pelican Eel Eel’s in general are quite creepy looking, but this one has taken it to another level. This slippery character is basically just a huge mouth with a tail attached. The mouth itself is absolutely terrifying, it unhinges so that its owner can catch prey that is twice its size. The chosen prey is then stored in a pouch within the lower jaw. However, the tail can be just as weird as it possesses a small light producing organ that is called a photophore and this gives off an eerie pink glow. Humpback Anglerfish The female of this species most certainly has a licence to kill. She uses her feminine charm which comes in the form of a bioluminescent lure dangling over her forehead to draw in prey that she can destroy with her rows of ferocious teeth. Predatory Tunicate This is basically a Venus Fly Trap that lives underwater. They are almost completely translucent and they stick themselves to the sea floor and wait patiently for a tasty meal to come along. Once an unsuspecting critter falls for the trap the creatures snap their hoods shut until they’ve had their fill.

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